
Also called WoW (Way of working)

All the content you'll read here are extracts from different books and (maybe videos) I'll leave the links on the bottom. I'll tweak these text to make them usable to make quests on an existing game (Mod). So there are stuff that are already provided: (let's say world, location, npcs, behaviours, characters).

Depending on the quantity of people making the Quest, some stuff can also be provided by them: new animations, new characters, new locations, etc...


Pre-production is the early phase of a project where you generate ideas and try to figure out what the project is about. It's about answering big design questions:

  • What are you making?

    • What will the player be able to do? (Mechanics, Experience Goals, Pacing)

    • Which parts are most important? (Pillars)

  • How are you going to make this?

    • How did other people solve similar problems? (Research)

    • How much time do you need? Is this feasible? (Scope)

Your answers to these questions will change throughout the project, and that's OK.

Planning is useful but it's not magic; you won't completely understand what you're making until you start making it.

Here on this phase we can make ourselves this questions:


Do we know who are the main characters of the quest?

Is someone dying on this quest?

What kind of story do we want to make?

In terms of time, how much time can takes to the player to reach point A to point B?

What are the "Nice to have" features?

What will motivate the player?


Do we have all the tools? If not:

Can we start doing some research? Can we do something else?

Do we know how to use them? if not... is there someone interested on doing that part of the "job"?


Are external assets needed? (A gun, clothing, any kind of in-game objects)

Are the provided assets enough? (VA, sounds, FX...etc.)

Are custom animations needed?

If not, can we trigger the in-game animations?

This is a general view but we'll keep talking about these concepts on the next pages.


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